Bidding is now closed for the Manhole Rehabilitation 2024 Project

Below is the Bid (Results) List

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Vehicle Storage Facility Expansion Project 2019-2020 Complete

TSD Expands
Vehicle Storage Facility

Truckee Sanitary District accepted a bid from Plummerbuilt, Inc. in May 2019 to expand the Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) 70' x 70'. The project was completed November 2020 following a stoppage of work for the winter of 2019-2020. Fortunately, Plummerbuilt was able to work to complete the building through COVID-19 restrictions. The VSF houses the District's vehicles. This building is essential in keeping District vehicles and generators snow free in the snow-filled  Truckee winters. If there is a sewer emergency, we are able to get in the vehicle and go, not having to clear off extra tall trucks and pickup trucks alike.  
See the Project Progress in Pictures
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