Sewer service in the Truckee Area is provided by two agencies. Truckee Sanitary District (TSD) provides collection and conveyance service from your home to the sewer treatment plant and Tahoe-Truckee Sanitation Agency (T-TSA) operates the sewer treatment plant located in Truckee that services Truckee and the North Lake Tahoe region.
Truckee Sanitary District issues roughly 150 - 200 residential sewer permits per year. Please read the process below for more information on how to obtain a permit
NOTE: If you do not yet have a building permit, but you have a grading permit or have proof that a building permit is in the process of being issued, you may get a Preliminary Permit from TSD to begin the sewer install process. Click here for the Preliminary Permit form. If you have questions about the Preliminary Permit you may email, [email protected] or call 530-587-3804.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at 530-587-3804 or email: [email protected]
Once you have your sewer permit, you can make an Inspection appointment. Read below to understand the process.
Residential Sewer Inspection Information
Visual Inspection After sewer permit is obtained, you can call for a visual BEFORE backfill.
SEC. 7.09, page 30. Pipe must be buried to spring line (halfway up pipe) and tracer wire installed prior to visual inspection. Provisions will be made for installation of SEAL CAP at this time. SEC. 7.03, page 28.
Pressure Test After Final Grading A pressure test is required after the structure has passed the Final Grading Inspection by the Building Division. Water Test- Accomplish 8’ of head at house cleanout with a maximum of 15’ of head at the downstream cleanout. The water level in pipe must remain constant for 5 minutes. Air Test- 3.5 psi for five minutes with maximum loss of ½ psi.
Building Lateral Television Inspection Owner shall be responsible for supplying TV Inspection and all associated costs. TSD Inspector must be on site to view the TV Inspection as it is being performed. SEC 7.14, page 34. - Building lateral shall require a television inspection after the structure has passed the Final Grading Inspection by the Building Division.
Seal Cap Removal by TSD Inspector Only SEC. 7.03, page 28. – Prior to removal of the seal cap, the pressure test and TV inspection after final grading, must be completed and the house must pass the drywall nailing inspection by the Building Division. A $1,000 seal cap charge will be retained by the District if the seal cap is found to be tampered with or removed.
This is a summary of the Truckee Sanitary District (District) installation requirements.
For a complete description, refer to the Ordinance 1-2021 District Code. If you plan to request a Certificate of Occupancy from the Town of Truckee or Placer County Building Departments before next spring, you will be required to have final approval from the District. In order for the District to issue FINAL approval of the sewer permit, a District Inspector must verify compliance of the required sewer inspections. If you would like to verify the status of your sewer permit, or arrange for an inspection, please contact the Inspection Department at (530) 587-3804.