Sphere of Influence Plan Update
LAFCo - Local Agency Formation Commission
The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) is responsible for determining boundaries of municipal service providers. LAFCo operates under the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act (CKH) with the mandate of:
- Discouraging urban sprawl
- Preservation of prime agricultural land and open space
- Assuring efficient local government services
- Encouraging orderly growth and development of local agencies
The tools that enable LAFCo to accomplish those goals are the Municipal Service Review (MSR), the sphere of influence, and the ability to change the organization of a municipal agency. The MSR provides data on services and the ability to provide services. This information is used to determine the sphere of influence that is defined as the probable physical boundary and service area of a local agency. A change in organization, such as annexation must be consistent with the sphere of influence.
The Truckee Sanitary District (TSD), formed in 1906 with initial facilities installed in 1908, is one of the oldest sanitary districts in California. Since its inception the TSD service area has grown in size and had experienced increased development. In 1962, TSD undertook a large annexation that included the lands between Gateway (currently Town of Truckee) and the foot of Donner Summit. This annexation and subsequent provision of wastewater collection and treatment was intended to relieve water quality problems in Donner Lake. The annexation increased the territory of the District approximately 2.5 miles. Today, TSD covers 39 square miles in Nevada and Placer counties.
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